Sunday, February 04, 2007


A major fracas between worshippers forced an early end to Sunday prayer at the Moenui Baptist Church today. The normally friendly atmosphere was disrupted when Matiu Wilson, who leads the congregation in song, broke his guitar over the head of Jonathon Burdes telling the dazed devotee that if he continued to clap out of time he would be assisted to "take a closer walk with Jesus."
A number of other members of the congregation then joined in the spat after Wilson was felled by a shower of copies of the New Testament. Order was only restored when Pastor Michael Tartuffe set off the fire alarm.
The Kiwi Herald undersatnds that Mr Burdes' lack of rhythm and his enthusiastic calls of "Hellelujah Jesus" and "Lord I'm a comin" during hymns have been the source of on-going irritation to Mr Wilson who also plays in the local big band "Matiu and the Minders".

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